Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Yeah, I'm excited. We are finally launching OOP 2 with Random House at the MOCCA festival this weekend. (*That stands for the "Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art")
It should be a blast. For those of you who don't know, OOP stands for "Out of Picture," and it's a film term that a group of designers and illustrators up at Blue Sky Studios co-opted for a graphic novel collection of our short illustrated stories.
(that was almost a run on sentence...)
There are many new artist/friends in the book, and it doesn't disappoint. Go to the OOP link in my links section to check out the new book. I'll probably post something more from the book after it debuts.
I just finished a piece for an art auction that will happen later this year. Many nights after work and weekends and it's finally finished. I can't divulge the theme or the event yet, but it's a doozy. I'll post a teaser when I can. Check out my other friends links, and you'll see their work for the auction too.
In the meantime, here is a subway sketch (actually a Path train sketch) I did a few months back.
I'll post again soon....