Finally a moment to breathe, too. Here is one of the early images in the story. It sets up the relationship of the main characters. The style is monochromatic with some warm tones. Hopefully it has a "storybook" quality.
As for my first story in OOP 1...Well, that will be completed in a future OOP installment.
Am I gonna give away any Gargoyle story bits..? Nah, not for now. Maybe later, but I don't want to give away the whole story. (Random House is going to have it published by mid next year, so if you want to read it, it'll be out next summer!)
I may post another final or two sometime soon.
The gangs' work in that upcoming book is unbelievable. I can't wait for it to finally come out next summer. Please check out the other guys blogs to see what's been happening in their stories. They are all amazing...